City of Dacono Snow Response Plan

The snow response plan adopted by City Council designates the most critical City streets as primary and secondary routes. There are more than 40 miles of primary streets, and almost 45 miles of secondary streets. A map with the designated streets can be found at City Hall, and on the City’s web site (

This plan recognizes that it is not possible to remove all snow and ice simultaneouslyfrom all of the streets and city-owned property. Factorsaffecting snow and ice control operations include snowfall rate and accumulation; moisture content; temperature; time of day, night, or week; wind velocity; and the duration of the storm.

The City’s goal during any snowstorm is to keep primarystreets open andsafe for the public so that vehicular traffic may continue to move safely and efficiently on the city’s street network. Although the City strives to keep all lanes of traffic moving during extreme weather conditions, travel may be limited to one lane of vehicular traffic in each direction.

All remaining secondarystreets will receive service only after the designated streetsare attended to, and when conditions warrant.

While the City will attempt not to block residential and business driveways with plowed snow, it is very likely to happen.

Home and businessowners are responsible to clear awaysnow from all walkways adjoining their property.The City does not have the manpower to remove snow from any sidewalks. Sidewalks must be cleared of snow by the property owner within 48 hours of the end of a snow storm.

Storm Categories

  • Category 1: 1 inch or greater of snow resulting in icy conditions throughout the City. All primary streets, secondary streets and intersections are salted/sanded.
  • Category 2: 4 inches or more with wind causing blizzard conditions. All primary streets are plowed, salted/sanded until the storm subsides, then secondary streets affected by drifting snow are plowed and salted/sanded.
  • Category 3: A major storm in excess of 8 inches, possible closures due to drifting and blizzard conditions. Priority is given to primary streets. Secondary streets are plowed and salted/sanded as soon as possible thereafter.

Additional Information

Snow is generally plowed to the side of the street. Center snow banks create melt/freeze, sight distance, and emergency vehicle access problems. Glen Creighton Drive is the exception to this approach. Snow is plowed to the center, and the center snow bank is removed during major storms, as time and resources permit. Where possible (Second St. Forest Ave., Colorado Blvd.), snow is plowed to just one side.

If residents have medical or other emergencies, the Dacono Police Department should be contacted (303-833-3095).