Frederick Announces Top 10 of 2016

As 2016 ends and 2017 begins, we rounded up the biggest achievements that propelled the community forward this year. We hope you enjoy this list, as voted on by Town of Frederick staff.

10. Thanksgiving Dinner for 100 Families – A partnership with Carbon Valley Help Center, Frederick High School Student Council and the Rocky Mountain Christian Church made it possible for us to give 100 families all of the fixings for a great Thanksgiving Dinner.

9. ‘Good Wine, Good Memories’ Sculpture– In July, we dedicated the latest addition to the Art in Public Places Program in the form of a bronze sculpture, created by artist Kathy Wardle. The sculpture, which depicts a young couple stomping grapes to make wine, will ensure future generations are familiar with Frederick’s Italian heritage.

8. Tech Communication Improvements– A new mobile-friendly and mobile-responsive website was launched in January to allow users access to the full site from their smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. Good news, considering that smartphone and tablet usage now accounts for 60 percent of digital media time spent. The Town also launched CodeRed locally this year, in order to give residents the option to sign up and receive notifications via phone regarding road closures, water main break and other important items.

7. Design of Skate Park– The Board of Trustees identified a skate park as one of their priorities this year, so Town Staff worked with Team Pain to design the skate park of residents’ dreams, based on their feedback at multiple public meetings. Staff recently submitted for a GOCO grant to build this design, and should find out in 2017 if we are awarded the grant.

6. Restorative Justice JAG Grant– Frederick was recently awarded a Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) to roll out the proven Restorative Justice program (it’s already in practice at Frederick High School) to patrol officers in 2017. Restorative Justice gives first-time offenders a chance to keep crime off of their record while at the same time making amends to the victim and the community. If you want to be a part of it, contact Court Clerk, Linda Glantz or 720.382.5531.

5. Entryway – Frederick now has a lighted monument sign that welcomes visitors and residents alike to Frederick. A small waterfall of non-potable water, landscaping, trail connections and a plaza where travelers on the trail can take a break, combine to make an entryway that residents can be proud of.

4. Community Outreach Articles – The planning and police departments respectively brought you ‘What’s Developing’ and ‘From the Desk of Detective Dave’ articles all year long! They tackled everything from development myths to tips for thwarting porch pirates and in the process brought some of the most-read content to our residents.

3. Award Winners– The finance department won an award for an excellent CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) and the police department was a National Award Winner for National Night Out. The community can rest easy knowing such experts are on the job!

2.Agilent Technologies– The arrival of Agilent in Frederick is perhaps the single-most impactful economic development event the town has ever seen. The local economic impacts of the new facility look to be profound, and are expected to include the addition of up to 200 permanent jobs to the area with an average reported salary of over $77,000 per year.

1.Road Improvements– Godding Hollow Pkwy (CR 18), Wetland Loop and the roundabout at Colorado Blvd and 5th Street all improved our transportation system this year. Even folks who were skeptical about the roundabout contacted us to tell us how much it improves traffic flow at that intersection. Stay tuned for more transformation in 2017 with the DOLA grant we were awarded to improve Tipple Pkwy (CR 16)!

 Check out a photo album of the Top 10 in ’16 on the Town’s facebook page at