Frederick Police Department Hold Annual Awards Ceremony

Officer Ken Doll accepts the Officer of the Year award from Chief Gary Barbour. Photo by Jennifer Walje.

The Frederick Police Department held their annual awards ceremony last Wednesday. A total of 15 awards were given out for everything from a burglary arrest to DUI Arrest Leader, and the premiere award, Officer of the Year, went to Officer Ken Doll, who received the nomination from fellow officers.

“I am proud of the work our officers have done this year,” said Frederick Chief of Police Gary Barbour. “The annual awards and recognitions are a way to thank them for their efforts.”

Officers Aaron Herbert, Jared Bakes, Ken Doll, Scott Coonrod, Steve Walje and CSO Paul Scarlett along with Sergeants Bob Bedsaul, Dave Egan, and Gregg Lotspeich were recognized with Chief’s Commendations for working the March 23rd blizzard last year.

Officer Brooke Mourey and Commander Todd Norris tied for the DUI Arrest Leader award for 12 DUI arrests each in 2016.

Other notable awards were Chief’s Commendations given to Officer Matt James for arresting a drunk and uncooperative burglar on two separate occasions, and to Scarlett for exceptional assistance at the Frederick in Flight event.