Statement from Colorado Farm Bureau President Don Shawcroft on Infrastructure Issues in Gov. Hickenlooper State of the State Speech

Colorado Farm Bureau President Don Shawcroft

Centennial, Colorado – “Infrastructure is a priority for the members of Colorado Farm Bureau in 2017. Our aging transportation system needs significant updates, maintenance and improvements. Agriculture and many other key Colorado industries depend on having a workable transportation system that helps aide commerce and grow the economy. Increasingly, our transportation system is a hinderance.

“While the overall state budget has ballooned in the last 10 years with the expansion of Colorado’s economy and population growth, spending on roads, bridges and highways has remained flat. This must change, and we are pleased that Governor Hickenlooper shares our view.

“We echo the sentiments of Senate President Grantham and House Speaker Duran that we must start working to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. It’s an investment that makes sense for Colorado. It’s what our government needs to do to start chipping away at $9 billion in needed improvements.

“We are also encouraged by the Governor’s commitment to the expansion of rural broadband access. By connecting rural communities with the rest of the state, Colorado can better leverage its human capital and grow our economy.”