Carbon Valley Dreamers Hit the Ground Running

Written By: Aurora Santos, Carbon Valley Program Director

Since their Dedication Ceremony in October, the Carbon Valley Dreamers — 50 third graders who have committed to attending 10 years of after-school and summer programming to prepare for college — have hit the ground running.

The youth meet regularly after-school at Thunder Valley K-8 in Frederick to receive academic and socio-emotional programming.

On Monday, Jan. 16, several Dreamers and their families joined Lafayette’s March for Peace for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The Dreamers had learned about social justice the week before to prepare for this act of service. They prepared signs, which were littered with third grade handwriting of declarations of their dreams and the reason they were marching in the MLK Day parade, including “We are marching for equal rights,” “My dream is to be a teacher,” and the word “equality.”

Before holiday break, the third graders went on their very first college tour, bringing along family members to visit the University of Northern Colorado (UNC) in Greeley. More than 50 people filled the bus, including students, family members, and “I Have a Dream” staff. College students from the Cesar Chavez Cultural Center stepped up to host the Dreamers and tour the UNC campus. Some of the highlights for these nine-year-olds were the cafeteria with endless choices (they may have wiped the university clean of cookies … ) and the recreational center.

These college tours early in the Dreamer programming help make college enrollment a tangible and approachable goal for the youth and their parents. As one Dreamer said after the trip, “Now I really want to go to college.” A mother who came along added, “I think I enjoyed the trip more than the kids!”

The Dreamers topped off 2016 with a fantastic holiday party hosted by St. Brigit’s Episcopal Church. Crafts, homemade cookies, Chic-fil-A Santa, and Mr. and Mrs. Claus were just some of the hustle and bustle of the night. Dreamer parents came together to contribute with desserts, decorating, a piñata, and clean up. Through “I Have a Dream’s” annual Adopt-A-Family program, Dreamers and each of their family members received holiday gifts from generous donors. The gifts were donated during “I Have a Dream’s” largest Adopt-A-family program ever, with 259 donors providing more than 1,600 presents this holiday season!

The new year brought the Dreamers back to normal programming, with time for homework and reading, computer lab, and enrichment. This week, a Dreamer told staff that he enjoyed a visit from the Boy Scouts of America, who taught the Dreamers about the significance of the US flag and how to fold it. Dreamers can play math and literacy games after reading quietly or finishing classroom homework.

In October, the organization received a grant supporting the class from the Community Foundation serving Greeley and Weld County, and this month an AmeriCorps VISTA, provided in partnership with United Way Weld County, will start working at “I Have a Dream.”

Program volunteers are a crucial part of our program, working one-on-one or in small groups to help Dreamers with their schoolwork, and the program is still in need of further support! Volunteers can sign up to give their time online: