A Fresh Start for Mead: Balancing Preservation of History with Smart Growth

Written by the Mead Downtown Development District

The Mead Downtown Development District (Mead DDD) is excited to have been was established as a 501(c) (3) January 2017. Our goal is to halt and prevent deterioration of property values within its district and to assist in the development and redevelopment of its district and to use its power to promote the general welfare of the district by the use of its direct and supplemental powers.

Application for membership is open to any current resident, property owner, business operator, or employee of the regional area that supports the development and redevelopment of its district.

Our mission is a grassroots effort by citizens, businesses, organizations and local government to revitalize downtown by diversifying and expanding businesses and cultural opportunities while maintaining its historic integrity, charm and value.

Our vision is to create a vibrant downtown community with a rich history and diverse economic opportunities for families, small businesses, and entrepreneurs so people can live, dine, shop, work and play.

We are very happy to announce several events for this upcoming year. An Artist Reception will be held January 20. This Artist’s Reception is for our Inaugural Art Walk that will take place in summer of 2017. This was a direct invitation for exhibiting artists, booth exhibitors, artists-in-action, and large masterwork collaborative art. We are anticipating a great turnout.

We are again highlighting local farmers, artisans, and merchants at the Downtown Mead Farmers’ Market. Our commitment to our community is to make every effort to highlight our local Farmers’ Market which is in its third season with the new Mead DDD. The market will start at the end of June. The market will be open from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm every Sunday until September 24th. Our members are committed to making this market even better than the first two seasons bringing more awareness of local food, local art and local fun to the Town of Mead.

Another successful summer event that the Mead DDD is bringing back because of the overwhelming response is The Taste of Shakespeare. Last year, we tested the interest and the community response was so positive that we have brought it back for a second year. According to the Longmont Theater this was the best crowd of 2016. We look forward to this again this year.

We look forward to our community participation not only at our events but the growth of our district membership and to assist in the development of our community.