PRESS RELEASE: 2017 Weld County Fair Royalty Court Coronated

  • L-R Attendant Madison LaBorde, Queen Lindsay Leafgren, Princess Rachel Dumm

The 2017 Weld County Fair Royalty Court was officially announced and coroneted by Weld County Fair Board President Elijah Hatch on January 9th.

Lindsey Leafgren, a junior at Eaton High School and the daughter of Brad and Denise Leafgren of Eaton was named 2017 Weld County Fair Queen. Madison LaBorde, a junior at Roosevelt High School and daughter of Danielle LaBorde of Milliken and Lann LaBorde of Milliken was named 2017 Weld County Fair Attendant. The Royalty court was rounded out with Rachel Dumm, an 8th grader at Windsor Charter Academy and daughter of Richard and Martie Dumm of Greeley, being named as the 2017 Weld County Fair Princess.

All three young ladies competed for their titles during the Royalty Contest, which included judging on public speaking, personal interviews and modeling. Through the end of the year, the Queen, Attendant and Princess will represent and promote Weld County Fair by making appearances and participating in a variety of events, parades and activities.

For more information about the Weld County Fair and the Royalty Program or to request an appearance, please visit our website at or call Fair Coordinator Janet Konkel at 970-400-2085