Message from Interim Town Manager, Mike Segrest

Interim Town Manager, Mike Segrest

Please see the following message from Interim Town Manager, Mike Segrest, outlining accomplishments from the last year as well as detailing what we can look forward to in 2017.

As we all recover from celebrating the New Year, it is a great time to reflect on the past year and look forward to the coming year.  We certainly had some challenges in 2016, but I am very proud of the Board of Trustees and the staff for keeping focused on the big picture and accomplishing many significant achievements. I have listed some of those accomplishments below.

2016 Accomplishments

  • Updated the sewer rate structure to current standards, resulting in a lower tap fee that should help to encourage residential development.
  • Updated the Development Impact Fee structure to current standards resulting in more flexibility in the use of funds raised and more appropriate levels to support economic development.
  • Approved Phase One of Mead Village development project.
  • Established an Enterprise Zone to support redevelopment of the Downtown.
  • Completed the Welker Water line project.
  • Improved several miles of roads with improved slurry seal.
  • Completed Hilltop Road improvements.
  • Implemented new Snow Management Plan and improved service to residential areas.
  • Created the Mead Urban Renewal Authority which provided $608,000 in first year funding to support economic development projects.
  • Secured $80,000 grant for the update to the Comprehensive Plan.
  • Successfully merged the Community Day and Sugar Beets Festival event.
  • Worked with Little Thompson Water District to revise its structure to provide more affordable rates.
  • Negotiated with Little Thompson Water District and Long’s Peak Water District to cooperate in providing initial service to the Mead Place project.
  • Negotiated with MYSA for Town to manage programs.
  • Completed annexation of County Road 13.5.
  • Negotiated with Don Haddad for the School District to provide $50,000 in funding to upgrade the school fields.
  • Approved Excel Franchise agreement.
  • Supported establishment of Downtown Development District.
  • Approved Range View Addition project resulting in the special district initiating its tax levy and repayment to the Town of the $254,778 trail cost over the next two to three years.
  • Completed the annexation of State Land Board property end of 2015 to start receiving revenue in 2016.
  • Streamlined development review process and put it on the website.
  • Worked collaboratively with oil and gas representatives to adopt new regulations to protect the Town’s road system from damage.
  • Purchased Highland Lake for Open Space.
  • Revised Board and Committee structure.
  • Established Art in Public Places program
  • Acquired replacement vehicles to upgrade Public Works fleet.
  • Completed performance reviews on all staff and initiated organizational changes to improve coordination and supervision of staff.
  • Provided a 2017 budget that is balanced and includes funding for:
    • Planning Director position
    • Police Department
    • Human Resources/Deputy Clerk position
    • Five Year Capital Improvement Program
    • Enhanced cost recovery of recreation programs and seniors
    • Continuation of management assistant position
    • Additional Public Works staff

2017 promises to be an exciting and challenging year for the Town.  I look forward to supporting the Board in achieving the goals for the year during the remainder of my tenure as Interim Town Manager. My focus for the next few months will be to keep projects moving forward including the following:

  • Complete the recruitment process for the selection of a new Town Manager.
  • Establish the new Police Department and complete the initial training.
  • Hire new staff positions
  • Pursue alternatives to water service providers.
  • Actively recruit retail development.
  • Support Mead Place planning process.
  • Continue to work on Kiteley annexation.
  • Initiate first Art in Public Places project.
  • Award bid and begin construction of new Public Works facility.
  • Initiate the Comprehensive Plan Update planning process.
  • Pursue additional acquisition of property for Highland Lake Open Space.
  • Complete Wastewater Master Plan and initiate Drainage Master Plan.
  • Initiate capital projects:
    • Recreation Facility
    • Skate Park
    • Area III Trail
    • Dog Park
    • Highland Lake Improvements
    • Downtown signage and conduit installation