Great Opportunities to Get Involved in Mead

In the wake of the national political climate, interest from citizens to get involved in their community has increased dramatically. Some great reasons to volunteer are to help others, make a difference, find purpose, connect with your community, feel involved, contribute to a cause that you care about, use your skills in a productive way, develop new skills and meet new people. Local community organizations are eager to get local participation, however, many residents are not certain as to how or where to get involved. Each community and regional areas offer different opportunities. For Mead, there are many opportunities for community involvement ranging from Town committees to non-profit organizations.

The Town of Mead recently restructured their committees and commissions. Each committee or commission has a specific focus with set roles and responsibilities and members are appointed by the Board of Trustees for various length terms depending on the committee. A short application is required to apply and can be found at on the Committees and Commissions page.

  • The Finance Committee has 3 community members that meets quarterly to review and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees on the Town’s annual budget, auditor’s reports, long range financial plans, cash management, investments, and financial policies.
  • The Parks, Recreation Facilities, and Open Space Committee (PROS) is a team of 5 members that recently formed by merging the Parks and Recreation and Open Space committees. This committee makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees on planning and development of Town parks, recreation facilities and open space. They also serves as the Arts Commission and reviews all applications for art in public places.
  • The Events Committee plans and hosts all the recreation and community events with its 5 members such as the annual Tree Lighting Festival, Easter Egg Hunt, and Fishing Derby. They partner with the ad hoc Mead Community Day and Sugar Beet Festival Committee for that annual festival that hosts thousands annually.
  • Planning Commission is the most formal of the committees and commissions. It has 7 regular members and 2 alternates. The commission prepares and maintains the Comprehensive Plan, zoning classifications and annexations for the community, as well as provides recommendations for the Board of Trustees on all development plan reviews. The commissioners are appointed by the Board of Trustees for 6 year terms.

The Mead Downtown Development District (MDDD) is a recently formed non-profit organization that spun off from the Town’s former Downtown Revitalization Committee. The District formed as a non-profit to utilize the newly created enterprise zone in Downtown Mead. Enterprise zones provide business incentives to locate in the zone as well as offers income tax credits to anyone that donates to the District. The District has partnered with the Town of Mead to achieve their mission by providing “a grassroots effort by citizens, businesses, organizations and local governments to revitalize downtown by diversifying and expanding businesses and cultural opportunities while maintaining its historic integrity, charm and value.” The MDDD hosts activities like the Mead Farmer’s Market and Art in the Park and are actively looking for members to help with this exciting new opportunity. To find out more about the MDDD, check out their Facebook page at

The Mead Area Chamber of Commerce (MACC) is another great opportunity to get involved. This non-profit group works to improve the business environment in the area to give back to the community. They provide ribbon-cuttings, business after hours, trainings, events, and business marketing. For more information, visit

The Mead Area Community Foundation (MACF) works with donors from all walks of life who want to create unique funds to improve the Mead area and works to build a community endowment for the long-term benefit of Mead, Colorado and the immediate surrounding area. For more information about the MACF, visit

These are just a few opportunities for Mead and Mead area residents to get involved. So get out there, and get involved! Make that difference you have always wanted to, or just to meet new people. Whatever your reason… we encourage you to get involved somehow… Volunteer to help at an event, or join a committee, or even just attend one or more of these committee meetings to check it out. All the meetings are open the public and are typically held monthly. The organizations would love to see you there. If you would like more information regarding any of the opportunities, please contact Dawn Adams at 970-805-4198. We look forward to seeing you!