Check out Grandview Church in Mead this April!

Have you ever considered the value of being connected to a community minded, “multi-denominational” church? If so, then you may want to check out Grandview Church in Mead this April! After months of preparation, Grandview Church is launching weekly worship gatherings at Mead Middle School at 620 Welker Avenue in Mead. We are a brand-new church plant that God is raising up in Mead. No matter who you are, where you’ve been, or where you are in life right now, Grandview Church cares about you! We aren’t perfect, and we certainly don’t have everything figured out yet, but we are pursuing Jesus and we’re seeking to live the kind of lives His followers should be known by! A personal and growing relationship with Jesus Christ is our desire for you, and the Bible is our guide. More than anything else, we want to help everyone find and follow Jesus! We’re convinced that He alone can truly satisfy our deepest longings.

The Grandview Church worship gathering on Sunday, April 2nd will include our first baptism. The following week, Palm Sunday, April 9th will be our official “Launch” or “Grand Opening.” On Easter Sunday, April 16th, we will host a community Easter Celebration. All Grandview gatherings, including all future gatherings, will be held at Mead Middle School, from 9:30 – 10:45 am every Sunday morning.

Worship gatherings will be contemporary and informal and refreshments will be provided. Grandview children’s teachers will offer fun and educational activities for your kids (nursery through 5th grade) all based on the Bible!

On Launch Sunday, April 9th, Pastor Bruce Hendrich will begin a 4-week message series for adults and youth entitled, “Running on Empty.” Drawing from stories and principles in the Bible, Hendrich will seek to provide practical guidelines to help individuals and families come up with workable strategies for developing a more sustainable and fulfilling life.

As a church, we value our neighbors, our community, and our relationships with one another. Therefore, we look forward to connecting with you in the near future! If you have any questions or concerns, we’d love to hear from you. You can reach us through our website at or by email: