Rotary Donates to the I Have A Dream Foundation

Carbon Valley Rotary recently presented a $1,035 check to the local chapter of the I Have a Dream Foundation for use at their discretion. The funds were raised through the club’s weekly “Happy Dollars” tradition of over a period of several months.

Pictured here is Rotary club president Leisl Athen presenting the check to Aurora Santos and Tyler Works of the I Have A Dream Foundation.

The club is focused on Literacy for Youth in the Carbon Valley area and the I Have A Dream Foundation is a prime example of their literacy campaign. The club’s other youth literacy projects include Dictionaries for 3rd Graders, Free Little Libraries established throughout the community, age-appropriate books at their annual Easter Egg Hunt, and free books at community events.

Rotary International is a worldwide service organization with 1.2 million members in more than 33,000 clubs in over 200 countries. We join leaders of all communities, exchange ideas, and take action.

Carbon Valley Rotary meets each Tuesday 7 am – 8 am at Bella Rosa Golf Club. The public is invited to join us for breakfast. For more information call 303-815-7949 or email