3/24: Way of the World

Our world today seems to be willing to sacrifice personal privacy to the greater good of the internet and search engines. America is a great nation because of its people, all of its people. Yes, we have natural resources, so does Russia and China has lots of people. We are great because our laws respect the rights of all our people, not to be said about either Russia or China. Our laws are the fabric of what protects us, sometimes even from ourselves. If a law is wrong it should be changed but the law should be applied equally to all, not left to politicians to ignore, if they do not agree with it. It seems that desire to create the ultimate marketing data bases has begun to infringe on our right to privacy. Think about where we are today. It frightens me to think about the direction this is headed.

Speaking of our people, we are nation of immigrants. No matter how many generations you have been here, you came from someplace else. Your individual heritage is important, it should be respected, remembered and honored, but when you come to America you should come as someone who wants to embrace what America stands for. It does not stand as place where you can recreate where you came from and ignore the rest of America. That is called no be being willing to assimilate. Learn the language, learn the history, learn and obey the laws, be a good neighbor. If you cannot conceive of doing that do not come. If you are here and still do not accept that, then you should leave. I find the basic notion of no go zones as absolutely un American, no matter who the determining group is.

The past, present and future are our basic time frames in life. We should learn from the past, live in the present and plan for the future. In viewing the Democratic and Republican parties in Colorado, for the most part, the Democrats live in the present, attempt to ignore the past, our Colorado Heritage, and speak glowing of the future but do little to address what it takes to provide the opportunity for future generations. The Republican’s, on the other hand, tend to live in the past, complain about the present and suffer the same thought process or lack thereof for the future. This past week Ken Salazar announced he would not run for Colorado Governor in 2018, wanting to spend time with his family. Whether you agree with him on his politics or not, you have to respect him as a man that has served the people and the state of Colorado. What he mentioned in his announcement that is perhaps more telling is that in 25 years Colorado will have a projected population of 8 million people from a current estimate of 5.4 million people. For the non mathematically inclined, that is a 48.1% increase from where we are today!

Now who and where are those people coming from and where are they going to live? The answer is probably not Keenesburg or Yuma. The current thought process of the Republican party in Colorado has no substantive plan that attracts the unaffiliated voters. Do you really think those 2.6 million new people are all going to be Republicans? Ken Salazar mentioned in his remarks that Colorado is known for it’s sense of Western Independence and common sense. So you think those folks coming to Colorado are going to appreciate the way the Democratic party in Colorado ignored their people’s choice of Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton. There is great opportunity for either party in the future. Can or will they take advantage of that, I am afraid neither will, the status quo is so much easier.

The Republican Party in Colorado needs a plan and they need a leader. A leader who can bring the base together and inspire interest, growth and participation in the party among the unaffiliated voters. A leader who has a proven team building record across many diverse groups and interests.

This person would like to see John Elway run for Governor on the Republican ticket.

As always, I invite your thoughts and comments: publisher@carbonvinews.com or 303-753-6109